A Spell to Make a Man Fertile Again Supernatural
This article, Samael - The End (Again), is the sole property of Divineoverseer and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable. |
- "I am Samael. The second of the archangels created by God. The Seducer, Tempter and Destroyer. That means I do the screwing. No one screws with me!"
- — Samael
Samael is an archangel and is in fact the second of the Archangels created by God with him being younger than Michael but older than Lucifer. He fought alongside his fellow Archangels with God against the Darkness. He is an angel that is cloaked in the greatest of mystery. The only one who ever truly seems to know what is going on in Samael's head seems to be Samael himself.
Samael's reputation is renowned in Heaven as perhaps the one angel being even more evil and twisted than Lucifer himself. He possesses a habit of laying around with many humans, angels and even demons which led to spawning an array of children, nearly all turning to evil. He was an indirect cause to Lucifer's Rebellion, the deaths of four of his archangel brethren, and the Deluge.
During the Fall, he was released from his imprisonment for the first time in thousands of years. He went on to possess a man who happens to be the biological father of Ben Braeden. Samael is now off creating havoc, either as part of a personal agenda or plain whimsical chaos.
He was created to be a tempter and seducer of angels, men and beyond. He served as God's instrument to test the faith and loyalty of others. He served God by tempting Lucifer to disobey, playing on his dormant feelings of bitterness and jealousy towards God's love of humans. He then taught Lucifer the arts of seduction, temptation and an abundance of other things. Together, the two tricked Eden's guardian Gadreel into letting them through the gates where Lucifer tempted Eve to betray her husband Adam and lay with Samael which caused them to be evicted from Eden.
Over the years, Samael continued with his ways of seduction and temptation by bringing many other angels to Lucifer's side as well as laying with many angels, humans and demons. One of these angels was Marilyn who fell deeply in love with Samael and one of the demons was Lilith herself. His laying around resulted in the creation of many offspring of Incubi, Hybrids and Nephilim. Nearly half the Knights of Hell were spawned by Samael laying with the first series of demons. Unknowingly, Samael had also went on and helped their father create a Cage that would go on and contain any of his brothers should it be needed and was eventually put to use after Michael defeated and bound Lucifer.
God kept excusing Samael as he was doing his duty but eventually Samael began to be getting out of control. Michael soon convinced God that Samael had been let go with 'slaps on the wrist' for too long that he had begun to believe that he could do anything he wanted and not suffer the consequences. God agreed and ordered for Samael to be captured. Michael brought Samael in and he along with Gabriel locked Samael away in Heaven's prison but not before castrating him to forever remind him what brought this upon him.
Season 9
Return to Earth
Samael was locked in Heaven's prison for millennia until Metatron caused the Fall which released him and all the other renegades from its confines. He fell to Earth and possessed a drifter, accidentally killing the woman he had just slept with. He hit the road on the guy's motorcycle but found that he was quite weak from the Fall and would take time to fully regain his full powers.
Possessing Sam Winchester
Opportunity knocked when Dean Winchester sent out a widespread prayer for an angel to come and help his brother Sam. Samael quickly answered his call and arrived in time to save Dean from getting killed by two angels that also arrived but to kill him. He was careful to not mention his name but did say he could save Sam but it would require him to be possessed. Samael wanted to be in Sam's body as he was a much stronger vessel and being with him would not only heal Sam but himself as well. Dean, with his back against the wall of his brother's impending doom, agreed and together tricked Sam into giving Samael his consent.

Sam being possessed by Samael
In Sam's body, Samael told Dean he could heal the damage but it would take time. He offered to be in a far corner of Sam's mind but had to erase Sam's memories so he would not be ejected which Dean regretfully agreed to.
Over the weeks and months that followed Samael would pop on up to deal with any dangers to Sam or questions that Dean had. One such time was when the Winchesters caught onto the trail of the Knight of Hell Abaddon who was beginning to affirm her position as the new Ruler of Hell and he needed to take control of Sam to protect him from her demons. When Castiel was found, he called on Samael to tell him who he was and gave him the alias 'Nathaniel' as he knew that was an angel that had fought alongside Castiel in the war and thus would help Castiel convince Dean that he could be trusted. When the real Nathaniel - The End (Again) was discovered to be in a vessel of his own and loyal to the Powers Castiel knew that he had been tricked by Samael and rushed to warn Dean.
Samael's Identity Revealed
On a hunt at a hospital where the monster roaming around was a Cucuy - The End (Again), Samael had found Gadreel there working as a security guard. They chose to meet in an out of the way place where they were joined by Metatron who offered an alliance between all three of them. Gadreel refused to work with Samael but Samael was open to it. In a show of power Samael revealed that he had been using Sam to not only regain his strength but rebuild his wings. This display sent energy waves in the air that was felt halfway across the country by both Kevin Tran and Daniel Leonard - The End (Again). Dean, who had gotten Castiel's warning, found them by that display and demanded that Samael abandon Sam's body for lying to him. Samael just laughed at him and mocked Dean saying that even though he lied Dean wouldn't have cared less and still would've allowed Sam to be possessed by him but Dean still wasn't having it. Metatron incapacitated Dean while Gadreel ran off. Samael then took Dean's car keys and hit the road still in Sam's body, in full control.
Samael went on a road trip reliving his old lifestyle of seducing and bedding women at any bar he stopped at on the road. Metatron arrived and again gave him his proposal for an alliance to have dominion over Heaven but also told Samael of a new problem that had emerged. He discovered that the Powers had more or less survived and had a Heavenly Saint in their possession and they all were trying to free Michael from the Cage. Metatron feared that if Michael was freed then all of them would be made to suffer for their actions. Samael, while not too concerned about Michael, agreed to the alliance as he could use some amusement and for a chance to have some fights. He tasked Metatron with the duty of looking for his fellow renegades to band them together under him but told Metatron that Barbatos and Marilyn - The End (Again) were top priority.

Samael leaving Sam's body
Dean and Castiel, who by this time regained his former position as an angel due to stealing Azrael's grace, found Samael thanks to Crowley and bound Samael in an Enochian seal that they got from Gadreel. They tried to exorcise him from Sam with minimal results. Crowley possessed Sam's body to try and eject him from the inside but was no match for the Archangel. Samael, feeling that he had regained enough of his power to replemish the rest on his own abandoned Sam's body himself but gave Sam all of his memories back including his memories of his time on the road bedding women and of him conspiring with Dean against him remembering anything. He left them with a cryptic warning and threat.
Creating Chaos

Samael back in his original vessel
Samael returned to his former vessel and began to put the pieces together for his own plan that only he would know the specifics of. Because his castration could not be healed by the typical means it is discovered by Castiel after examining Sam that Samael had stolen Sam's fertility to heal that part of him leaving Sam as sterile, a fact that Sam laments to some agony as now a future with children is no longer an option for him.
Samael then started to have Metatron track down his fellow renegade angels while he reconnected with Cain. He arranged for Cain to meet with Dean Winchester and tempt him to take on his mark, playing on Dean's desire to see both him and Abaddon dead. Cain informed Samael that Dean did indeed take his mark and was set in killing him but Samael told Cain that he was not worried about the hunter in the slightest. In between his secret manuevers he recommenced his old habits of seducing people to go off to have sex with him. During one of his pickups Metatron had delivered his fellow renegades Zepar - The End (Again) and Dagiel - The End (Again). He later was reconnected with [[Simon as well and he and Dagiel went with him to meet with Abaddon who was in the midst of field testing her new demons against Crowley's forces. He pointed out flaws in their operation and volunteered Simon to help compensate them for it. His real goal was to bring the Battalion, who were in the area, and the Winchesters together and let the chaos of the fighting settle matters with the Saint. His machinations caused Nazareth - The End (Again) to be killed in battle, as well as Simon, the capture of Daniel Leonard - The End (Again) by the Winchesters and the capture of Castiel by Gadreel and the Battalion.
He hoped that all of this mayhem would result in the death of at least the Saint by the Winchesters before he could free Michael. However, he felt it was still a long shot even with his manipulations so he had Metatron resume his search for Barbatos - The End (Again) and Marilyn who he did indeed find. Samael then told him that they were to go and acquire two specific vessels for his next plan. Samael met back with Metatron who came back with Marilyn and Barbatos in the bodies of Lisa and Ben Braeden. Barbatos and Samael had shared some heated words over the issue of waiting instead of going for the Powers and the Saint immediately. He hinted at a past connection with the Braedens that would be used against Dean Winchester.

Samael meeting with Crowley to discuss their plans
Samael went to visit Crowley at one of his holdups where he revealed that they had made a plan prior to Samael leaving Sam Winchester's body to help steer Dean Winchester into meeting Cain to have him take his mark. Crowley wanted to know what Samael had planned but he left without saying anything on the subject but requested that Crowley see to freeing a friend of his. He watched as the Winchesters engaged Abaddon after Dean had acquired the First Blade from Cain. Cain told Samael that Dean would be 'ready' soon. Samael then told the demon that everything was now ready for him to move along.
The Ultimatum
After the Winchesters' victory over the now dead knight they returned to the Bunker where Samael was waiting for them. He congratulated them for killing his daughter and then revealed to them that Azazel and Alistair were also children of his that they had already killed. While Sam and Castiel were taken by that news Dean hardly cared. He just took the First Blade and swiped Samael with it. Samael looked to be dead but to Dean, Sam and Castiel's surprise he surprised them by also standing off to the side well away from them. It turned out to be an illusion that Dean attacked. The other Samael was an illusion as well but it did say to come outside of the Bunker to meet with some friends. Those friends happened to be Barbatos and Marilyn showing off the fact that they were in the bodies of the Braedens. Together they revealed that Samael had repaired and given them back their wings and he and Marilyn shared some public affection for each other to their dismay. Dean was livid and threatened them but eventually Samael lost his patience and, for the first time, gave them a glimpse of his ruthless and dangerous side as he proclaimed himself the Tempter, Seducer and Destroyer. When he settled, he told them that the Braedens would be safe if they stopped Daniel Leonard and killed him before he could release Michael which he would do in one week's time. He then left taking Marilyn with him in a final show of embrace.
After Samael made things clear to the Winchesters he and Metatron then focused on a contingency plan in case they failed. They knew they would need much more angels on their side should Michael be freed and went to Tyrus who controlled the largest of the independent factions of angels left. They along with Marilyn, Barbatos, Zepar and Dagiel went to meet with him at his bowling alley to offer an alliance. Metatron tried his hand at negotiating first and Samael was amused and entertained with how the scribe failed in pitching it to Tyrus. He then stepped in and argued that Tyrus would face dire consequences should Michael be freed as the archangel would punish him and his followers greatly if he kept on as he was. Tyrus began to consider it and offered Samael a round of bowling to truly listen more to their offer. Samael accepted and smugly tossed his jacket at Metatron, unaware that Crowley was trying to contact him with an update on the progress of the hunt for Daniel Leonard and the Winchesters that Metatron intercepted for himself.
Samael had been lounging outside the back of a cabin when Barbatos appeared to him. He reported that he had arranged for Metatron to be taken by their enemies as he had instructed. Samael told him that he could feel that Michael had returned but not to worry as it would be some time before Michael had the power and time to turn his sights to them. Barbatos asked him why did he ask him to seem so opposed to him during the meeting with Tyrus so that it seemed like Metatron could trust him and he told the former Power that he knew that Metatron was trying to double-cross him so he beat him to the punch. He did ask if Barbatos had learned about what it was that Metatron was even trying to do or what he was after but he didn't know. He also noted that Dagiel was missing but learned that he had been banished during all the commotion.
Season 10
Bringing Down the Hammer

Samael in Season 10
Samael was holding a meeting at his hideout cabin with some of his angelic allies as they were going over the latest information gathered on Michael's movements. Barbatos seemed a bit concerned but Samael told him not to worry as Michael wasn't ready to come for any of them just yet. Tyrus also reported that he located Castiel and while Samael thought that the angel could still prove to be a worthy asset he still appointed Anita - The End (Again) to deal with him if he still refused to join him. Soon enough Zepar came along and reported that there was trouble with the new Demon Dean's handling from Crowley. Samael actually showed his displeasure to everyone present.
Samael dropped in on Crowley and expressed his displeasure at how he seemed to be wasting time and didn't seem to have much progress in reigning the new Demon Dean in. He accused him of wasting time and that even he had limits when it came to fooling around and having fun. While Crowley tried to assure him that he had everything under control Samael reminded Crowley that they had a deal and if Crowley failed to keep up his end of the bargain in time then he had to 'compensate' him to which Crowley outwardly flinched. Samael left him with the warning that time was almost up before he left after finishing a drink.

Samael strongarming Crowley
After Crowley went to resume his every day control of Hell, Samael went to pay him a visit with Barbatos, Eligor - The End (Again) and Cain in tow. Samael barged into Crowley's throne room in order to remind him of the circumstances of their arrangement. Since Crowley couldn't handle Dean then he was now forced to release Samael's last demon hybrid son Malphas - The End (Again) from his imprisonment in Hell. Crowley wanted to refuse as Abaddon's chaos was still fresh in his mind but Samael easily smote the demons surrounding Crowley to intimidate him into doing it. Crowley was forced to do so and release the blue eyed demon.
Samael entrusted Zepar to be his eyes and ears in all the matters of Hell and left him to be at Crowley's side while he tended to other matters.
Sons and Brothers
Soon, the first of Samael's nephilim children that he conceived while in Sam Winchester's body, Alan Samson - The End (Again), was starting to delve deeper in his power. Samael was able to feel Alan unleashing his power and came to investigate. He arrived in time to see Alan manage to kill Gideon - The End (Again) but was suffering from the wounds the fallen Power manage to give him. Before Sam and Dean could move in on him in his weakened state Alan managed to teleport himself away to safety out in the middle of nowhere. As he did, the shift in power was sensed by Samael, and he his eyes glowed blue in response.
As Samael was searching for his signs of his newly activated son, he tried to feel for archangel power and felt a sudden surge of it but instead of being from his son, it was from Michael. It turns out that Barbatos felt it as well and they could feel that it originated far from the Paradise Pavilion, where he has been since he had been freed. Barbatos wanted to personally go and investigate but Samael told him that when it comes to surprises from his brother, they shouldn't be so hasty. He suggested that they send Amos - The End (Again) instead, given his 'super spy' history.

Samael breaks into laughter out of nowhere
When Amos didn't report back, Samael and Barbatos went and came upon the hospital where they fond Amos' burnt wings imprinted in a hospital hallway after his death. Barbatos was upset with Amos' failure though Samael said that it was no surprise given how Amos had bumbled his last spy gig and that he was no real loss, hence why he sent him, with the hopes that he had at least drawn out what his brother had been up to. They then detected traces of Michael's grace and came upon an empty hospital bed and a nurse tending to it. Barbatos went and scanned the woman's memories and then rendered her unconscious afterwards. He told Samael that Michael's vessel had been in there before the Winchesters got him out. Barbatos wondered why Michael would abandon his vessel and asked Samael if he had any idea but the archangel didn't answer him. He just looked off and then started laughing out of nowhere, surprising Barbatos and a few of the nearby people.
When Zepar - The End (Again) saw that Samael's demonic son Malphas' power didn't work on Daniel Leonard - The End (Again), he informed about what happened to Samael. Samael went and decided to send Eligor - The End (Again) to see to his son and deal with the evolving situation instead.
Samael talking with Cain for the final time
Samael received a sudden visit from Crowley who informed him that Cain had suddenly burst into his throne room and executed one of his court attendants. Samael asked which demon had been the one and when Crowley told him it was a random target, Samael commented that Cain doesn't just randomnly do things. He then went off to find Cain and found him as he was filling in a fresh grave among a small clearing full of them. Samael went to ask why Cain was suddenly killing off everyone in his bloodline, including the ones that had become demons. Cain explained that he was simply doing what Samael never did, taking responsibility for his children. Samael asked why he suddenly cared but Cain told him that he always cared but now had the chance to finally do something about it. Samael saw the meaning under his words and asked if that was what he really wanted. Cain claimed it was all he wanted. Samael then moved to leave him to it and wished his "son" luck. After he left him there, Cain responded that there was still doubts about that.
He had appeared in the barn where Cain had been killed and Samael gazed at the spot with a shake of his head but there was a small smile on his face.
The First and Second Angels
Samael was approached by Barbatos as he had learned that Samael had gone and appointed Eligor - The End (Again) to shadow Malphas - The End (Again) and didn't seem to plan to inform him of such an important move. Especially since it was confirmed that both Abel and Daniel Leonard - The End (Again) were tracking the demon hybrid. Samael said that he knew of his vendetta against Joseph - The End (Again) and how he would use Daniel to settle it and told him that it wasn't important. When Barbatos ranted that Samael was freezing him out on decisions and plans when he was supposed to be his second in command, Samael stayed silent, seemingly ignoring him which made Barbatos move to grab him. However, Samael grabbed him first, by the throat. This made the angel fearful right before Samael threw him across the room. Samael scolded Barbatos that he was being more childish than his vessel with his pettiness. He reminded Barbatos that while that might've scored him points with Lucifer, it wouldn't get him points with him. He might actually benefit to take pages from Josepih's book as he seemed to be more of use for his brother Michael than Barbatos was being for him.
Adam Milligan, revealed to have been working with Michael all along, had found a way to help heal and revitalize Michael's health and grace which had been fractured due to the effects of the Cage. It was a spell that would require the use of archangel blood and Samael was the only other archangel available for it. However, Adam saw that while Samael's blood would be needed, they could get it from his children who would've inherited his blood. Eventually, he found Samael's twin nephilim children, Glena and Edmon Fuller - The End (Again), and put them in Sam and Dean's sights. After Sam killed Edmon and Adam killed Glena, Adam used their archangel blood to cast the healing spell and revived Michael as he summoned him to get re-possessed. As Michael's power was fully restored, Samael sensed it and then moved to go and see his brother again. He arrived and saw that Michael was with the Winchesters and Castiel.
Upon his arrival, he and Michael silently just looked at one another while the other three just tensely watched the archangel stare down. Samael then broke into a small smile and told his brother that it was good to see him and it had been a while. He then started put on an act of not remembering when exactly that was to try and annoy his brother. However, Michael surprised him by mimicking his act and "remembering" that it was when he and Gabriel had taken Samael and castrated him with his golden sword. This makes Samael drop his easy-going stance and full on glare at his brother. Sam and Castiel get nervous at his change in demeanor though Dean just snorts in amusement at how 'Mike and Gabe neutered their Sammy'. Samael bitterly notes that Michael seemed to have gotten himself a better sense of humor. Though Michael is curious as how Samael is spawning children again, giving the dead twins another look, and Samael lets himself smile as he says that he has Sam to thank for that and looks to the human in question, thanking him for his 'donation', which makes Sam bitterly angry. He then looks at the bodies of his nephilim twins and casually snaps his fingers and makes the bodies explode and disintegrate into white dust, prompting Sam, Dean and Castiel to make a run for it as Michael seems angered by this act. Samael and his brother hardly react to them escaping as their attention is on each other.
Samael then goes and tells Michael that his actions of letting his vessel go had surprised many of his allies, including himself, a feat that was not easy or expected. He knew Michael would be weak after he had returned, as he had helped their father construct the Cage, so he knew that he would be somewhat diminished even if his captivity was only a few years. Samael had assured both his angel and demon associates that Michael's actions would be low and indirect for a while though when he had gone and made the drastic action of letting Adam go, it had completely thrown him. He then confessed to him that he had made him go and laugh at the idea that his predictable and dullard of a brother had actually stumped him. From the weeks that followed, Samael had tried to guess to deduce his reasons and try to figure out his plan but he now sees that he hadn't even been close. He never would've guessed that Michael would've entrusted a human with such a mission that concerned his very well-being and position. He couldn't help but see that his big brother must've changed a bit since they last had seen each other.
Yet Michael then went on and said that Samael hadn't changed in the slightest. He was still the same chaotic troublemaker who just does whatever he wants and bears no semblance of responsibility. No regard for anything or anyone, not even for his own children who he doesn't care for or even mourn. Samael finally sees that Michael has gotten them to what he has no doubt been wanting to get them to all along. When Michael spits out that this isn't about...him, Samael quickly points out that it has been about him ever since the Deluge. Michael's own child. Samael then tries to remember what his name even was and Michael reflexively states that it was Mikhail - The End (Again). He notices grace building up in his brother's clenched fist and tells his brother to settle down and get over it as it was so long ago. He said that Michael was too sentimental and could just go and have another kid, loads probably as he had gone and snagged himself a pretty handsome looking vessel. He then tells Michael that when they learned that Michael had actually gotten himself laid, Lucifer had been pissed that his idol big brother had gone and 'slummed it with a chimp', but he personally was amused and quite eager to know what girl had gone on and broke through Michael's rock hard shell. He guessed that it must've been some woman to have accomplished that feat and he would've liked to have had his own go with someone like that, but knew he wouldn't have the chance given what happens to the women that pop from the presents they give them.
His words were tearing into his brother but his latest ones concerning the woman Janis finally made Michael lose his composure and he went and threw an energy blast straight at him. Samael took it, sliding back a few feet, but still keeping on his feet. Samael straightened himself up before firing his own energy blast in retaliation. Michael went and brought out his hands to intercept and block it, fumbling a bit where he stood. As soon as his brother recovered, Samael then went and brought out his sword, its dark blade shining menacingly at his side. Samael knew that Michael didn't have his sword with him but his brother seemed ready to fight him regardless. However, Samael told Michael that he hadn't actually come all the way out here just to fight him. There was still some things left to do before they got to all of that but not to worry as things were already being set in motion and it would only be a matter of time before it all came together. Michael then wondered what it was that Samael was planning but he just smirked and said that if he told him than it would spoil the surprise. He told Michael to prepare himself because he was going to need all the help he could get. Before Michael could say more, Samael then disappeared, the sound of his flapping wings echoing through the area.
When Samael returned to his estate, Barbatos was there waiting for him. Samael said that he didn't want to be annoyed but Barbatos simply told him that Crowley sent word about a new development with the demon Crossroads King Beezlebub. Samael then smiled and then calmly asked what had happened.
- "I can start to see why he is more dangerous than Lucifer. The Devil is pure evil but Samael is pure chaos. Evil, its something you can at least fight and stand against. Chaos, not so much."
- — Daniel Leonard
Samael is quite cocky and arrogant. He has come to believe that he is literally God's gift to women. Unlike Lucifer who loathed humans, Samael loves them but his love of them is perverted as he thinks of them as toys to play with and throw away when done. He enjoys going to bars to pick up women to seduce, sometimes even men. He has no preference for who or what he has relations with be they human men or women, angels or demons. He doesn't seem to have any real attachment to those he hooks up with though he seems to have a slight lingering fondness to Marilyn. His seduction talents aren't limited to just physical interaction. He is able to entice humans, demons and angels into doing or agreeing into nearly anything. He was easily able to entice Dean, one known for his stubbornness and lack of trust, to have him possess Sam by knowing just what to do or say to have him agree. He was also able to easily persuade Tyrus to their side even after he rejected the proposal first from Metatron with his charisma and reasoning. He seems to also enjoy living and lounging around in splendor. He has gone on and set himself up in a grand estate where he usually has his angelic and demonic subordinates meet with him.

Samael: The angel behind the Devil
Samael is also deviously intelligent and smart. He is able to organize complex plans within plans to achieve ends that an extreme few can truly guess. Samael also appears to have a mind for strategy and contingency planning as he closely predicted Michael's immediate actions and patterns following his release and correctly anticipated Metatron's plans for betrayal and was ready for it. No one can truly guess which side Samael is ever on or what his motives truly are making him a puzzle for a good many people. His reputation is that he is perhaps the only one who is more evil or vile than Lucifer himself.
It's also been shown that Samael does have a serious, dark and destructive side to himself. He rarely shows it instead of the laid back and smug image that he usually presents. He has shown it when Barbatos mocked and challenged him and when Dean had finally tested his patience when he was there to issue them a demand to kill Daniel Leonard. When he does get serious it is enough to frighten most angels like Barbatos, Marilyn, Metatron and even Castiel. He even makes angels as powerful and brave as the Powers nervous. Simply the mention of his name has been shown to scare some angels and demons like Crowley. Apparently, the only angel who is not scared of Samael is his older brother Michael.
Powers and Abilities
Samael seems to possess all the normal powers of angels and of archangels. He was God's second angel created after Michael, thus making him the second most powerful Angel ever created.
- Nigh-Omnipotence: As Samael is the second of the angels created by God he has an immense quantity of power with very few beings who could challenge and defeat him outright, with only his older brother Michael, God, Death and the Darkness being his superiors in power. Samael was able to fight alongside his Father and fellow archangels against a force like the Darkness and achieve victory. He was the one to teach Lucifer many of his famed tricks and techniques. Even Gabriel's famous copy trick came from Samael.
- Nigh-Omniscience: Samael is one of God's oldest creations so he has been around for millenia and is knowledgeable of many things from Creation's early history.
- Regeneration:Samael was able to heal his heavy injuries that he sustained in the Fall and even rebuild his lost wings when in the body of Sam Winchester due to him being a vessel descended of Adam & Eve. He was also able to undo his castration by taking Sam Winchester's fertility to use the energy to repair himself though the process left Sam sterile.
- Rejuvenation: Samael was able to heal Sam Winchester of all the internal damages that Sam suffered undergoing the trials to close Hell.
- Angel Banishing Sigil Immunity: The sigil to banish angels away has no effect on him even if he isn't in a vessel belonging to the Winchester Bloodline.
- Mass Smiting: Samael is able to smite a whole group of enemies with ease as he simply snapped his fingers and he was able to cause at least a dozen demons to combust instantly with apparently little effort.
- Hand to Hand Combat: He is able to fend off any attack from most foes without a weapon as well as inflict strong and hard punishment with his bare hands.
- Angel Ward Immunity: The symbols to ward a place away from angels doesn't effect Samael.
- Teleportation: With the return of his wings Samael is able to take himself and others anywhere he wishes.
- Possession: Samael is able to possess anyone he wishes. It doesn't seem to matter who it is though he is strongest when possessing someone descended from Adam & Eve's graced bloodline to give him greater power. Normally while archangels could possess outside this bloodline temporarily, Samael is able to do it for prolonged time with little consequence on him or the human he takes.
- Energy Blast: Samael could unleash a burst of pure energy against anyone or anything that could reduce them to ashes if they don't have the power to sustain themselves against it.
- Swordsmanship: He is quite skilled with a blade, able to easily strike down and ward off most foes. It is said that only his archangel brothers could meet him blade for blade.
- Samael Sword - The End (Again): Samael wields an archangel blade that is tailor fit for himself much like Michael does. When he wields this weapon he is able to kill virtually anything, including his own archangel brothers.
- Reproduction: Samael is able to impregnate his sexual partners to conceive children fathered by him. He has created many Nephilim, Demon Hybrids and other Hellspawns.
- Angelic Restoration: Samael is able to heal and restore the broken or weakened grace of any angel. He can restore the wings on angels who've had theirs clipped off. It is a powerful process and only Michael has been shown to also have this ability.
- Self Duplication: He is able to conjure up bodily copies of himself much like Gabriel could though he has shown that he could create more than one at a time.
- Multi-Linguistics: Samael is able to speak, read and write in any language, including sign language.
- Astral Projection: Samael is able to display his wings out as shadows as other angels often do. He was even able to create an illusionary image much like a hologram out of thin air.
- Pryokinesis: He has a control over fire, able to create or dissipate it, including a control over holy fire as he managed to make a circle of holy fire vanish when in Sam Winchester's body.
As powerful as Samael is, he is not invincible and has his vulnerabilities.
- Holy Fire: A circle of ignited holy oil could momentarily trap him if he is in a vessel outside the bloodline of Cain and Abel. It can also hurt and banish him momentarily.
- Sealing Sigil: If Samael is caught inside an enochian sealing circle than he can't leave until it is broken or if he abandons his vessel.
- Lucifer's Cage: It was constructed by God to be able to suppress an archangel's power and keep them locked away so it would hold Samael.
- Archangels: Samael's fellow archangels have the power to harm and even kill Samael if he isn't careful enough. Even nephilim offspring sired by himself or his fellow archangels could kill Samael if they have the power or the means.
- Michael Sword: Michael's signature weapon could be used to harm or kill Samael. It was used to permanently castrate him which couldn't be undone even in another vessel. It was only healed and undone when he stole and used the fertility of Sam Winchester, leaving him sterile after he vacated Sam's body.
- Lucifer Sword: Lucifer's signature weapon could be used to harm or kill him.
- The First Blade: Crowley had guessed that this weapon could be used on Samael to great effect, perhaps even kill him.
- Death's Scythe: This tool from Death can be used to kill anything, even Samael.
- The Darkness: His aunt, also known as Amara, has the power to trap, harm or even kill Samael.
- God: His father has the power to trap, harm or even kill Samael.
Samael's sexual escapades have resulted in the creation of numerous offspring over the millennia. The succubi were among the monsters that he spawned that are still around to this very day. Also, many of the Knights of Hell were spawned from Samael due to his relations with higher ranking demons. He had relations with the first demon Lilith which spawned demons such as Alistair and Malphas. Even Azazel, the Winchesters' first great enemy was one of Samael's demon children. Most of his ancient children had fought on Lucifer's side during his rebellions but he took little responsibility or care for any of them. He considers most of his children to be left over souvenirs from his many rendezvous.
Known Children
- Abaddon †
- Alistair†
- Azazel †
- Samhain
- Malphas - The End (Again)
- Cain (possibly)
- Alan Samson - The End (Again)
- Edmon Fuller - The End (Again) †
- Glena Fuller - The End (Again) †
- Wilson Groves - The End (Again)
Samael's symbol
Samael lounging about
Samael's weapon
Samael asserting his authority
Facts and Trivia
Samael's name means roughly Venom of God or Poison of God. He is known to be the Archangel of Death and is regarded as both good and evil. He serves the Heavenly Host by way of grim and destructive duties. It is said that he was the serpent that tempted Eve in Eden and impregnated her with Cain. He was also said to be the consort to Adam's first wife Lillith. With Lillith he created a number of demonic children including a son named Sariel. Samael was said to have mated with 'angels' of sacred prostitution. Samael has been described as the patron of the Roman Empire.
Source: https://supernaturalfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Samael_-_The_End_(Again)
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